College applications... two words I cannot wait to never hear again. I only have four more to go but I am so tired of them! Trying to push through these last ones, but it seems the only way I can is by looking at little things that make me smile :)
{cool "melted" clocks in Palermo Soho in Argentina}
On Friday, my parents, cousin Billy, and I went out to hunt for our perfect Christmas tree. I was happy to be able to take my little cousin to his first time to pick our a live tree! We had so much fun and here is my casual outfit I wore to this special event. Now that we have our tree, I can't wait to decorate it! :)
Last year Black Friday: went to Valley Fair two days before to go around to the stores to write down the times they open, go shopping at 3 o'clock in the morning and get home at 9
This year: go to the Great Mall, shop for an hour... dead tired
I don't know what was this different this year but my friends and I were so tired and couldn't go on! However, I still was able to find some cute things :)
Heres what I bought:
Check in Tuesday to see where I wore the grey sweatshirt and with what I paired it with!
I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! Mine was filled with family, games, laughter, and of course, food! Every year we have all of our family come to our house. And this year we had 36 people! You probably can't tell (being blond and all), but I am a quarter Korean! Thanksgiving is a time when all of my mom's side- the Koreans- all get together, and sometimes some of my dad's side comes too. This makes my Thanksgiving so special because not only do we have the American Thanksgiving, but we also get to have Korean food too!
I am so thankful that I was able to be surrounded by my loving family that day! However, we did miss my sister Jamie! Love you Jamie [if you're reading this :) ]
{kid's table!: the turkey is actually a popsicle holder!}
Check in tomorrow to see what I bought on Black Friday!!
I have a serious addiction to anything pumpkin- pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin creamer, pumpkin scones, ect. And my addiction on intensifies during fall and winter! I usually use my grandma's recipe to make pumpkin bread (at least once a year) but because I did not have too much time and her recipe makes so many loafs, I decided to use this easier recipe on the back of the box above. The directions are on the picture below of the pumpkin bread and the cream cheese icing. I also added my own touch by adding chocolate chips! Enjoy!
{sorry about the color for this one, I don't know what happened!}
Dressing for fall can be so fun because you are able to layer different textures or lengths together! However, you don't yet have to get completely bundled up in a big coat yet (like we have to during the winter). Here are some pictures of outfits I adore. None of these pictures are mine, they are just pictures I came across that gave me inspiration for future outfits. Enjoy!
{my absolute favorite desert: chocolate volcano and I'm not sure what the white stuff was, it was similar to ice cream, whatever it was it was so good!}
The food in Argentina and Uruguay was absolutely amazing! Although I probably gained about five pounds, it was completely worth it!
{all restaurants gave you something like this just for water, made me feel classy drinking water!}
{adorable cupcake bakery in Argentina}
{salami and cheese platter}
{more cupcakes from a bakery}
{way better than I anticipated: strawberry, dulce de leche, shortbread}
{dulce de leche inside flaky bread like a croissant}
I am happy to finally post pictures from my trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay. The trip was absolutely amazing. The two cities passed all expectations I had (even though I had little because I did not know what to expect!). The cities were beautiful with many extravagant historical sites. Not to mention the food was absolutely delicious! But I'll be posting about the food on Sunday. :)
{Argentina is known for its leather- watching a man making the leather products sold in the store}
{The Pink House (Argentina's "White House"}
{The tango originated from Argentina- picture from our tango show}
{Beautiful painting that stretches out across a long wall next to the beach in Montevideo}
{Love the table design}
{Picture taken along the coast in Uruguay during the car ride for the airport to go home}