Thursday, February 14, 2013

All the Single Ladies!

Valentines Day!! Or for us single ladies, National Single Awareness Day! Just because we're single doesn't mean we can't have a good day too! Get all your girls together for a fun night (as my friends and I are). Give each other presents, or treat yourself! Luckily my parents give me a present on Valentines so I don't feel too lonely... (just kidding, but not about the present ;) ). If you do have a boyfriend, you lucky girl you haha. Whatever you are doing today have fun!!

Another holiday to discuss: (first let me throw out there I am Methodist) yesterday was Ash Wednesday! That means Lent has begun! This year, I have decided to try to give up all sweets and desserts for these 40 days... I know shocking! Wish me luck because I will for sure need it. Those of you who know me know I am obsessed with desserts. Once I start I can't stop and I seem to always be craving something sweet. I hope I can make it through and accomplish this!

Yummy cupcake hearts my friend Fiona make for my friends and I but I can't have any because I gave up sweets! Wow this really is going to be hard but love you FiFi!

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